Sabtu, 14 Januari 2017

Civil engineering is a branch of engineering that studies on how to design, build, renovate not only the buildings and infrastructure , but also include the environment for the benefit of human life. Civil engineering has a broad scope, in which knowledge of mathematics , physics , chemistry , biology , geology , environment until computers have their respective roles. Civil engineering developed in line with the level of human needs and their movements, until he could say this knowledge could turn a forest into a big city

Teknik sipil adalah  salah satu cabang ilmu teknik yang mempelajari tentang bagaimana merancang, membangun, merenovasi tidak hanya gedung dan infrastruktur , tetapi juga mencakup lingkungan untuk kemaslahatan hidup manusia.
 Teknik sipil mempunyai ruang lingkup yang luas, di dalamnya pengetahuan matematika , fisika , kimia , biologi , geologi ,                 lingkungan hingga komputer mempunyai peranannya masing-masing. Teknik sipil dikembangkan sejalan dengan tingkat kebutuhan manusia dan pergerakannya, hingga bisa dikatakan ilmu ini bisa mengubah sebuah hutan menjadi kota besar

The branches of civil engineering : • Structural : The branch that studies the structural problems of the materials used for construction. A form of the building may be made of multiple choice types of materials such as steel, concrete, wood, glass or other materials. Each of these materials have their individual characteristics. Science field studying the structural properties of the material so that in the end may have material which is suitable for the type of the building.In this field studied more in depth matters relating to the structural design of buildings , roads , bridges , tunnels of the construction of the foundation until the building is ready for use. •Geotechnical :  Branch is studying the structure and properties of various kinds of soil and rock in supporting a building that would stand on it. Its scope can be either a field investigation is an investigation into the circumstances of land of an area, laboratory investigations and construction planning of soil and rock, such as: embankment (embankment), excavation (excavation), tunnel soft gr.ound (soft soil tunnel), the tunnel rock (rock / mountain tunnel), the dam soil / rock (earth dam, rock fill dam), and others. • Civil Engineering Informatics : The new branch is studying the application of computer for calculation / modeling a system in development or research project. These fields include, among others, exemplified in the form of modeling Structures (Structural of Content or CAD), modeling the movement of ground water or waste, environmental modeling with GIS technology (Geographic information system). •Construction Management : Branch is studying the problems in construction projects related to the economy , job scheduling, return on capital, the cost of the project, all matters relating to legal and licensing of building up the organization of work in the field so that the building is expected to be completed on time.

      Cabang-cabang ilmu teknik sipil
Struktural: Cabang yang mempelajari masalah struktural dari materi yang digunakan untuk pembangunan. Sebuah bentuk bangunan mungkin dibuat dari beberapa pilihan jenis material seperti baja, beton, kayu, kaca atau bahan lainnya. Setiap bahan tersebut mempunyai karakteristik masing-masing. Ilmu bidang struktural mempelajari sifat-sifat material itu sehingga pada akhirnya dapat dipilih material mana yang cocok untuk jenis bangunan tersebut. Dalam bidang ini dipelajari lebih mendalam hal yang berkaitan dengan perencanaan struktur bangunan , jalan , jembatan , terowongan dari pembangunan pondasi hingga bangunan siap digunakan.
Geoteknik : Cabang yang mempelajari struktur dan sifat berbagai macam tanah dan batuan dalam menopang suatu bangunan yang akan berdiri di atasnya. Cakupannya dapat berupa investigasi lapangan yang merupakan penyelidikan keadaan-keadaan tanah suatu daerah, penyelidikan laboratorium serta perencanaan konstruksi tanah dan batuan, seperti: timbunan (embankment), galian (excavation), terowongan tanah lunak (soft soil tunnel), terowongan batuan (rock/mountain tunnel), bendungan tanah/batuan (earth dam, rock fill dam), dan lain-lain.
Informatika Teknik Sipil : Cabang baru yang mempelajari penerapan Komputer untuk perhitungan/pemodelan sebuah sistem dalam proyek Pembangunan atau Penelitian. Mencakup bidang ini antara lain dicontohkan berupa pemodelan Struktur Bangunan (Struktural dari Materi atau CAD), pemodelan pergerakan air tanah atau limbah, pemodelan lingkungan dengan Teknologi GIS ( Geographic information system ).
Manajemen Konstruksi: Cabang yang mempelajari masalah dalam proyek konstruksi yang berkaitan dengan ekonomi , penjadwalan pekerjaan, pengembalian modal, biaya proyek, semua hal yang berkaitan dengan hukum dan perizinan bangunan hingga pengorganisasian pekerjaan di lapangan.
Breadth branch of civil engineering makes it very versatile in the world of work. Profession obtained from an expert in this field include: designing / implementing development / maintenance of roads, bridges, tunnels, buildings, airports, traffic (land, sea, air), the network system of canals, drainage, irrigation, housing, buildings , minimize quake losses, environmental protection, water supply, ground surveys , the financial concept of the project, project management etc. All aspects of life tercangkup in charge of civil engineering.
Differences of architect , located at the position of civil engineering experts in a project. Architects donated design, ideas, possibilities for the implementation of development on paper. The results of the draft subsequently submitted to the expert staff of civil engineering for the construction work. This stage, civil engineering experts make improvements / suggestions on the implementation of the planning, coordination of the project, observing the course of the project to fit the plan. In addition, civil engineering experts also establish the concept of financial and project management on matters that affect the course of the project.
Civil engineering experts not only deal with the construction of a building project, but in other areas as related to informatics , allowing for memodelisasi a form with the help of CAD programs, modeling of the damage caused by the earthquake, flood. This is particularly important in the developed countries as a benchmark for the feasibility of building a building that has a vital risk can be claimed many humans such as nuclear reactors or dams, in case of failure of technical planning. The design of the building is modeled in the computer with the given factors such as the threat of an earthquake the building and collapse the structure of the material. The role of expert civil engineering is still valid despite the construction phase of a building has been completed, such as maintenance of facilities located in the building

Keluasan cabang dari teknik sipil ini membuatnya sangat fleksibel di dalam dunia kerja. Profesi yang didapat dari seorang ahli bidang ini antara lain: perancangan/pelaksana pembangunan/pemeliharaan prasarana jalan, jembatan, terowongan, gedung, bandar udara, lalu lintas (darat, laut, udara), sistem jaringan kanal, drainase, irigasi, perumahan, gedung, minimalisasi kerugian gempa, perlindungan lingkungan, penyediaan air bersih, survey lahan , konsep finansial dari proyek, manajemen projek dsb. Semua aspek kehidupan tercangkup dalam muatan ilmu teknik sipil.
Perbedaan dari arsitek , terletak pada posisi ahli teknik sipil dalam sebuah proyek. Arsitek menyumbangkan rancangan, ide, kemungkinan pelaksanaan pembangunan di atas kertas. Hasil rancangan tersebut diserahkan selanjutnya kepada staf ahli bidang teknik sipil untuk pelaksanaan pembangunan. Tahapan ini, ahli teknik sipil melakukan perbaikan/saran dari pelaksanaan perencanaan, koordinasi dalam proyek, mengamati jalannya proyek agar sesuai dengan perencanaan. Selain itu, ahli teknik sipil juga membangun konsep finansial dan manajemen proyek atas hal-hal yang memengaruhi jalannya proyek.
Ahli teknik sipil tidak hanya berurusan dengan pembangunan sebuah proyek bangunan, tetapi di bidang lain seperti yang berkaitan dengan informatika , memungkinkan untuk memodelisasi sebuah bentuk dengan bantuan program CAD, pemodelan kerusakan akibat gempa, banjir. Hal ini sangat penting di negara maju sebagai tolak ukur kelayakan pembangunan sebuah bangunan vital yang mempunyai risiko dapat menelan korban banyak manusia seperti reaktor nuklir atau bendungan, jika terjadi kegagalan perencanaan teknis. Rancangan bangunan tersebut biasanya dimodelkan dalam komputer dengan diberikan faktor-faktor ancaman bangunan tersebut seperti gempa dan keruntuhan struktur material. Peran ahli teknik sipil juga masih berlaku walaupun fase pembangunan sebuah gedung telah selesai, seperti terletak pada pemeliharaan fasilitas gedung tersebut.


1) What is civil engineering ?
       Ans: a branch of engineering that studies on how to design, build, renovate not only the buildings and       infrastructure
2) Who design build and renovate ?
       Ans: It is Architects
3) Where is a good place to build a building?
       Ans: strategis area and structur land nice
4) When could  a forest in to a big city ?
       Ans: the construction management ready
5) Why is civil engineering has a broad scape ?
       Ans: Because in civil engineering that studies on how to design, build, renovate not only the buildings and infrastructure
6) How many the branches does civil engineering have?
       Ans: Civil Engeneering have 4 Branch  1. STUCTURAL        2. GEOTECHNICAL     3. CIVIL ENGINEERING INFORMATICS     

Structural the branch that studies problem of the materials used for construction
Geotechnical branch is study the structure and properties of various kinds of soil

Civil engineering informatics the new branch is studying the application of computer for calculation
Construction management branch is studying the problem in construction projects
Civil engineering is a branch of engineering that studies on now to design

 Civil engineering made a design build renovate
 Civil engineering is still despite the construction complet
 He is Architec donated design
 Civil engineering has a board scope
 He has met the architects

Architects donated design implementasi of development on paper
Civil Engineering is a branch of engineering that studies on how to design

Donated design implementasi of development on paper by Architects
Engineering that studies to design by branch Civil Engineering

Because This Article ilustrate  be in the process make of Civil Engeering